Wednesday, July 25, 2012

182 days

182 amazing days since our little monster arrived in this world! I can't believe she is 6 months old today! I know everyone says it but it seriously feels like we just brought her home last week! Kaylee has learned so much this month! She learned to roll over both ways, how to scoot around the floor to get where she wants to go (not quite crawling!), started drinking from a sippy cup, figures out how to put the pacifier in her mouth, and started sleeping through the night! (the last being my favorite by far!!)

Justin's parents came to visit at the end of June. We just had the best time with them! It was their first time in Charleston, as well as their first time meeting Kaylee! They loved her (of course), and she really loved them too! Justin's brother Gene was her favorite! So we took them downtown to be tourists, but spent the rest of the time at the beach or pool! They stayed at a condo on Folly so we were close! It was Kaylee's first time at the beach, but she was definitely not loving it! Which is more than fine with me, since I'd rather go to the pool anyways! We were so sad to see them go back home, but it was a great stay-cation with them here!

We didn't do much for the Fourth, since Kaylee is still so little. Justin works on the old Navy Base, and we were able to see the amazing fireworks show that they do in North Charleston from his work parking lot! Justin's cousin Jess, and her boyfriend Corey came with us. It was perfect because we didn't have to fight the crowds with KG, and we were far enough away that the booming wasn't too loud either. She loved them, even though the fireworks show was around 30 minutes and her attention span is about 30 seconds!

Needless to say, we have a had a fun but busy month. We are glad to be getting back into the swing of normal life and enjoying seeing what new thing Kaylee is going learn each day! :)

Kaylee and her Uncle Gene dowtown

Justin's sister Marissa, his mom, me, Justin, Kaylee, and Gene

Kaylee and Marissa

The only decent picture of her at the beach (the rest were not so happy!)
Our little family on Fourth of July
Kaylee and her Aunt Jess watching the fireworks!

Everything goes in the mouth now!
She also found her tongue this month!

...and her toes!

On the go and into EVERYTHING!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

new to this world

So we are at an age that our friends are getting married, having babies (or the other way around like us) and doing big things with their lives. I have read many friend's blogs, and I really enjoy hearing about the happenings in their lives. Every time I post a picture or a post about Kaylee on Facebook, people have a million questions. This just makes me realize how you're thinking that you are keeping everyone up to date via Facebook, but they are only really getting bits and pieces! So I thought I start a blog to keep everyone updated on the happenings in our lives! Hope those of you who are interested enjoy it! :)